Enact provides a collection of downloadable calculators and reference guides to help you analyze a self-employed borrower’s average monthly income and expenses.
Please note that these tools offer suggested guidance, they don’t replace instructions or applicable guidelines from the GSEs.
Due to various internet browser versions, please download and save PDF before entering data. Please note, calculators are updated periodically.
Use this form to calculate income.
Calculate and analyze cash flow to help you complete Fannie Mae form 1084.
Calculate and analyze cash flow to help you complete Fannie Mae form 1084.
Quick reference guide and income analysis for Freddie Mac Form 91.
Form 92 Net Rental Income Calculations – Schedule E.
Assists in calculating rental income from IRS form 1040 Schedule E.
Calculate an organization’s liquidity against current liabilities.
Calculate working capital liquidity against current liabilities.
Use this worksheet to calculate qualifying rental income for Fannie Mae Form 1037 (Principal Residence, 2- to 4-unit Property).
Use this worksheet to calculate qualifying rental income for Fannie Mae Form 1038 (Individual Rental Income from Investment Property(s) (up to 4 properties).
Calculate qualifying rental income for Fannie Mae Form 1039 (Business Rental Income from Investment Property).
Use this quick reference guide for Fannie Mae’s Comparative Analysis Form (Form 1088).
Calculate increases/decreases in gross income, expenses and taxable income.
Calculate revenues and expenses for running a business.